Dental Bridge
Charlottesville, VA

Dental Bridge in Charlottesville, VA
As your trusted restorative dentist in Charlottesville, VA, Dr. Matthew Harrison is happy to provide dental bridges for patients looking for tooth replacement options. Dental bridges are both a cost-effective and time-efficient method for tooth replacement. At Harrison Dental Associates, our dental bridges are custom designed to meet your needs and restore your smile aesthetics.

The Dental Bridge Process
The dental bridge process will take a few visits to complete. Dr. Harrison will look at your teeth to determine if a dental bridge is right for you. If he needs to perform an extraction or dental filling, that will scheduled first.
A dental bridge requires two adjacent teeth to hold it in place. Dr. Harrison will prepare those teeth by reducing them in size. This is to create room for the dental bridge.
We will administer a local anesthetic for your comfort before working on the teeth. The next step is to take dental impressions. A dental lab will use them to create your new, custom made dental bridge. Once we receive the bridge, we will cement it to the prepared teeth.

How Should I Care for My Dental Bridge?
After receiving your dental bridge, continue to practice your best oral hygiene care. Brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day. Make sure that you are flossing underneath your prosthetic tooth as well to maximize the longevity of your dental bridge. Dr. Harrison is happy to demonstrate how to care for your dental bridge during your appointment.

What Should I Expect During my Dental Bridge Appointments?
The dental bridge process will take usually two appointments with Dr. Harrison. During the first appointment, your surrounding teeth will be prepared for the dental bridge. We will also take dental impressions to send to our labs so that they can create your custom dental bridge. In the meantime, you will be sent home with a temporary bridge.
Once your permanent bridge is back from the labs, we will call you back in for the placement of your permanent dental bridge. After placed, the dental bridge should last you up to ten years.

Do I Have Any Other Restorative Options For Tooth Replacement?
Patients in need of tooth replacement might be interested in dental implants as an alternative to dental bridges. While dental implants involve a more invasive procedure due to their surgical component, they also offer many benefits that you simply won’t get with dental bridges. Dr. Harrison is happy to present you with more information about both restorative options during your next appointment.

Book An Appointment
Working Hours
Mon-Thurs: 7am – 3pm
Friday: 7am – 12pm
Sat-Sun: Closed
Call: 434-227-5665
2700 Hydraulic Road
Charlottesville, VA 22901